I do not know the weight or dimensions of the package- can I book?
To use our courier services you must provide the correct dimensions and weight to enable us to price up a delivery service for you. It is important when you book a package that the information provided is as accurate as possible to avoid the courier charging for excess weight. You can weigh items on bathroom scales, even by standing on the scales with the goods and then without and use the difference.
If you are struggling to measure your package have a read of our Blog. If you don't have a tape measure, then you can now simply use an iPhone and the brilliant 'Air Measure' App to calculate your package dimensions. This simple solution for calculating the measurements of your package was recently featured on Product Hunt makes getting your package dimensions a simple task.
Another tip is to find the item listed online where the dimensions can also be found- eBay is a great tool for this. It is better to over estimate to avoid any additional charges from the couriers.